Pool-Cote EP Epoxy Pool Paint

Specially Designed Epoxy for Pools

Pool Cote EP is a versatile, self-priming, high build epoxy, formulated for coating properly prepared new or existing pools. Epoxies are preferred products for spas, whirlpools and swimming pools. These products protect against abrasion, corrosive fumes, stains, and chemical contact while providing a non-porous tile-like finish. POOL-Cote EP is suitable for immersion service. It is surface-tolerant over tightly adhered, existing coatings. POOL-Cote cures through a wide range of temperatures.

  • Self-priming
  • Protects against abrasion, corrosive fumes, stains, and chemicals

Product Data

Product Name Product # Product Sheen Product Base/Color Technical Data Sheet Safety Data Sheet
Pool-Cote EP Epoxy Pool Paint LF-1210 Semi-Gloss White PDF PDF
Pool-Cote EP Epoxy Pool Paint LF-7210 Semi-Gloss Blue PDF PDF
Pool-Cote EP Epoxy Pool Paint LM-0218 Not Applicable Part B PDF PDF